- Area of Expertise
- Excipients
- Co-processed Ingredients
- APIs
- Pharma, Food Products & Materials
Sphere of Activities
- Regulatory Documents
- Company Incorporation
- Company Mergers & Acquisitions
- Accounting, Legal, Customs Brokerage
- Patent & Trademark Registration
- Warehousing and Distributors Selection
- Marketing, Management & Sales Coordination
- Online training & Webinar
The Global TechServe team’s has worked in multiple countries selecting and auditing source ingredients manufacturers. Distributors’ selection has been a frequent activity in Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Greece, India, Italy, Mexico, Pakistan, Portugal, Spain, and the USA. Visits to potential customers, along with local distributors, monitoring distributors’ activities periodically. Communication directly through the distribution channels with more than 500 Nutra, Pharma, and Food customers worldwide.

Making our customers’ brands stronger globally, train, and prepare their sales force, technical group, and customer service to a significant presence in their target marketplaces